La importancia del sueño para la salud y consejos sencillos para dormir mejor
Todas los animales duermen, los humanos en concreto, pasamos un tercio de nuestra vida durmiendo. De hecho, nuestra forma de dormir ha sido clave para evolucionar como especie.
Hasta hace pocos años, los científicos apenas habían realizado estudios sobre el sueño pero hoy sabemos que dormir tiene muchos beneficios para la mente y el cuerpo.
En una noche de sueño, pasamos por 4 etapas distintas de sueño, unas de sueño profundo y otras de sueño más ligero, pero todas igualmente importantes.
Los expertos recomiendan dormir cada noche entre 7 y 9 horas para aprovechar todos los beneficios de un sueño saludable.
El foro de Classroom LivingSpanish
Ha pasado algún tiempo desde que os anuncié que abriríamos un foro para los estudiantes de español en Classroom Living Spanish. Hoy, me gustaría iniciar este blog compartiendo con vosotros la grata participación obtenida en Classroom.
La semana pasada propuse a los alumnos que hicieran una pequeña descripción sobre sus ciudades. El objetivo de esta actividad era practicar el uso de los verbos ser y estar, que tanto quebradero de cabeza da a los estudiantes de español, así como utilizar la concordancia de los adjetivos. Gracias a ellos, hemos recorrido lugares como Cebu, Chatsworth, Florida, Canadá, Hyderabad o incluso El Caribe.
El problema que se ha planteado es ¿Cuándo tengo que utilizar 'ser'? y ¿'estar'?
Tutorial 3: Lastest video tutorial delves deeper into the Classroom
A few posts ago we introduced you to the first tutorial for the LivingSpanish Classroom; our free virtual learning space filled with tons of useful lessons and exercises including reading comprehension like this article Campamentos de Futbol. That tutorial was designed to give you a quick explanation of its features and show you how to easily sign up for a free account.
Now that we've gotten the basics down we'd like you to check out our latest video tutorial (see link below):
Tutorial 2: Living Spanish Classroom video tutorial
Good news everyone! We've completed our second video tutorial and this time our friend Jasper introduces you to our finest resource: the LivingSpanish Classroom. Click on the following link to view the tutorial: LivingSpanish Classroom Video Tutorial
We believe our Classroom is one of the best environments for learning Spanish available on the web (and it's free!). We've packed it full of extremely useful and well-researched lessons and exercises prepared by our talented native Spanish language teacher, Verónica Osuna.
The Classroom is 100% free, but it's necessary to create an account in order to take full advantage of it; otherwise, the system will be unable to save your progress, exercise and test results. Our video tutorial will show you the advantages of joining the Classroom and how to get signed up in no time… Enjoy ;)
Living Spanish Classroom
The LivingSpanish Classroom offers online Spanish courses, divided into four levels designed to help you learn and perfect your Spanish: Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Our goal is to offer a virtual classroom with quality learning material and the opportunity to participate in the lessons with a native Spanish teacher assigned to you when you sign up for your course.
The Classroom has a news section where relevant developments and interesting news stories will be published. We've also placed a forum at your disposal for you to ask questions, share your opinions and suggestions for the course, or discuss anything related to learning Spanish in general.
Student Forum
Tutorial 1: First Living Spanish Video Tutorial!
As promised, a video introducing the LivingSpanish homepage has been posted on YouTube for everyone to see (please click on the link below to watch):
LivingSpanish Homepage Video Tutorial
The short, two-minute tutorial will give you a taste of the fun and interesting features on our site and how best to access the wealth of educational information (such as free grammar lessons and exercises) we've put at your disposal.
Welcome to Living Spanish!
Welcome to the first blog post for Living Spanish the resource for learning Spanish online. The last couple of months we've been working very hard to create a site where learning Spanish can be fun, easy and most importantly effective!
Blog under development!
We’re currently developing the LivingSpanish Blog to keep you informed about site improvements, new features and future projects. Most importantly, we’d like our blog to be a place where you can give us feedback. Since our site is in beta stage, we’re open to ideas for improvement as well as suggestions for new content and tools that you think may be helpful.
We’re currently focusing on adding more lessons and exercises to the LivingSpanish Classroom. Our Classroom is a free space that allows you to enroll in virtual Spanish lessons complete with exercises and tests (by signing up for a free user account your progress in the Classroom will be saved).