
Tutorial 2: Living Spanish Classroom video tutorial

Good news everyone! We've completed our second video tutorial and this time our friend Jasper introduces you to our finest resource: the LivingSpanish Classroom. Click on the following link to view the tutorial: LivingSpanish Classroom Video Tutorial

We believe our Classroom is one of the best environments for learning Spanish available on the web (and it's free!). We've packed it full of extremely useful and well-researched lessons and exercises prepared by our talented native Spanish language teacher, Verónica Osuna.

The Classroom is 100% free, but it's necessary to create an account in order to take full advantage of it; otherwise, the system will be unable to save your progress, exercise and test results. Our video tutorial will show you the advantages of joining the Classroom and how to get signed up in no time… Enjoy ;)

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