The Pronouns (1)
In this lesson we’ll dedicate a section to the personal pronouns (tonic and atonic) and another for the pronouns called pronombres objeto acting as direct and indirect objects, and we’ll take a look at when they’re used.
Atonic personal pronouns
Tonic personal pronouns:
a) complemento directo (direct object)
b) complemento indirecto (indirect object)
The Adjetive (2): Types
- Descriptive (calificativos)
- Limiting (demostrativos)
- Possessive (posesivos)
- Numerals: cardinals and ordinals (numerales:ordinales y cardinales)
ADJETIVOS CALIFICATIVOS (DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVES): this indicates a quality and property of an accompanying noun. It can be placed before or behind the name. Examples of Descriptive adjectives when the gender changes.
The Adjective (1): Introduction and types
The Spanish adjective.
In this unit we’ll explain the adjetivo (adjective) in Spanish. As opposed to other languages, such as English, the adjetivo agrees in gender (masculino and femenino) and in number (singular and plural) with the noun it modifies. There are two types of adjetivos:
El artículo en español. Nivel básico
The artículo (article): class of word that precedes the noun. There are two types of articulos:
The noun. Beginner level
In this unit we’ll talk about the sustantivo (the noun). It’s also sometimes referred to as the nombre. We’ll dedicate a section to explaining in simple terms the gender and number of the noun and its accompanying article. The goal in this first unit is to give you a general view of the noun in Spanish.
1. The noun | 2. Gender of the noun | 3. Number
La tilde diacrítica. Nivel intermedio
TILDE DIACRÍTICA: la tilde diacrítica sirve para diferenciar dos palabras que se escriben igual pero tienen distinta función gramatical.
El: artículo definido masculino singular. Ejemplo: El conductor paró de un frenazo el autobús.
Él: pronombre personal sujeto: Ejemplo: Me lo dijo él.
Mí: pronombre complemento, forma tónica: el gato es para mí
Vocabulario de ortofrafía. Nivel básico
Acento ortográfico: la tilde se coloca sobre la sílaba tónica. Camión, héroe, más, María, Perú.
Aguda: palabra cuya sílaba tónica recae sobre la última sílaba y llevan acento aquellas palabras que acaban en vocal, -n, -s. Ejemplos: oración, camión, comió, jamás
Grammar: Ser y Estar
The difference between "Ser" and "Estar" is defined by a few simple rules - these are great to get the beginner student started, but time will show that there are always exceptions to the rules.
Yo soy
Tú eres
El/Ella/Usted es
Nosotros/Nosotras somos
Vosotros / Vosotras sois
Ellos/Ellas son
Yo estoy
Tú estás
Él/Ella/Usted está
Nosotros estamos
Vosotros estáis
Ellos/Ellas están